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Yelp's Exploration Society: Bourbon 101 with Bourbons Bistro


September is National Bourbon Heritage Month. As if we needed an excuse to enjoy delicious bourbon, but we'll jump on this awesome opportunity to get even better acquainted with Louisville's fave spirit -- from a true expert! 

At this event, Bourbons Bistro owner Jason Brauner will be leading guests through a structured tasting, so that guests can come away with new knowledge about bourbon and hopefully a favorite bourbon that they can now order with confidence when they're out and about. 

ADMISSION: $10 per person, payable to Bourbons Bistro at the event for tasting supplies. 

SESSIONS: There will be three 45-minute sessions for this event, starting at 6 p.m., 7 p.m. and 8 p.m. When you RSVP, there will be a follow-up question where you will be asked if your preference, though feel free to post that you are available for any session, which will improve your likelihood of getting a spot.